Sometimes you reach a point in life where you realize something is missing or feels woefully unfulfilled and it causes you to search for joy in places unexplored. Some things have changed for me over the past six months that have left me trying to figure out what I love, …
Rocky Mountain National Park: Day 2 Of The Alpine Adventures, Mind Blown Even More
Yesterday, Ashley and I took the Trail Ridge Road up the Rocky Mountains, and if we were astounded hiking the lake trails, it barely scratched the surface of what we felt yesterday being surrounded by the majesty of these mountains. I’ve never seen anything like this. We were on a …
Rocky Mountain National Park: Day 1 Of The Alpine Adventures, Mind Officially Blown
I’m in Heaven. I mean, I might as well be because I’m so freaking high in the air. Altitude sickness is awful. When Ashley and I got to Estes Park, CO yesterday we felt sort of drunk and queasy and dizzy and headache-y…ick. But we woke up this morning and …